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  • Model: OTR-4CD-AuntMary
  • 18 Units in Stock

OLD TIME RADIO - 4 CD-ROM - 582 mp3

Total Time: 93:04:26

Aunt Mary was a soap opera that follows a story line which appears to have been broadcast in 1945 and early 1946. The plot features a love triangle, and involves a young woman in a failing marriage who pays an extended visit to "friends" in Los Angeles in order to conceal a dark secret from her father and others back in Wakefield. 

Mary Lane owns a small farm on the outskirts of Wakefield, where she raises chickens and acts as a steadying influence on her live-in niece Peggy and hired hand Lefty Larkin, who has quite a secret of his own. We learn a lot about the farm and the daily routine of life there. A typical breakfast, for example, consists of hot coffee, fried eggs, and fresh-baked muffins right from the oven served with butter and strawberry preserves. An abundance of such details is one of the attributes which elevate Aunt Mary above the ordinary domestic daytime drama.

Broadcast History:
  00/00/42 to 00/00/51 NBC (approximately)
  01/21/46 to 01/17/47 Mutual (at 9:15 a.m.)
  George Fogle, Edwin H. Morse
  Dicks Welles, Hugh Brundage, Marvin Miller, Vincent Pelletier
  Lee Crosby, Virginia Crosby, Gil South
Theme Music:
  Dear Old Girl
  Albers Oats, Ben Hur Coffee, Kitchen Craft Flour
  Jane Morgan as Aunt Mary Lane
  Fred Howard as Lefty Larkin
  Jane Webb as Peggy Douglas Mead
  Patrick McGeeham as Ben Calvert,
  Josephine Gilbert, Vivi Janiss as Kit Calvert
  Jack Edwards, Bob Bailey as Bill Mead
  Irene Tedrow as Jessie Calvert
  Jay Novello as David Bowman
Also Heard:
  Cy Kendall, Ken Peters, Betty Lou Gerson, Tom Collins





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Aunt Mary 000 Audition
Aunt Mary 000 Promo
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (001) Bill Has Upset Peggy
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (002) Ben Questions Kitt
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (003) Peggy Borrows Car
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (004) Peggy to Trust Bill
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (005) Jessie Brings Kitt's Train Tickets
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (006) Bill and Kitt Talk
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (007) Ben Talks to David
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (008) Lefty's Anniversary
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (009) Lefty Visits David
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (010) Lefty Talks to Ben
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (011) Kitt Leaves Early
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (012) Driving to Stanton
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (013) Bill Wants Peggy to Hope
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (014) Ben Confronts Bill
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (015) Telegram to Paul Cromwell
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (016) Lisa Fenner Arrives
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (017) Jessie to Leave on Vacation
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (018) Kitt Learns About Lisa
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (019) Paul Questioned About Lisa
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (020) Peggy Meets Nicholas Dorn
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (021) Kitt Meets Lisa
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (022) Phone Call from Nicholas
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (023) Aunt Mary Meets Nicholas
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (024) Peggy Talks About Nicholas
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (025) Learns Jessie Went to California
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (026) Jessie Learns the Truth
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (027) Lisa Learns Kitt Is Pregnant
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (028) Kitt Lies About Her Marriage
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (029) Nick Meets Bill
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (030) Ben Learns of Kitt's Pregnancy
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (031) Bill Confirms Jessie's Story
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (032) Ben Calls on Jessie
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (033) Nick and Peggy Talk Seriously
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (034) Peggy Snubs Bill
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (035) Dr Lewis Refuses to Help Ben
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (036) Ben Can't Get Kitt's Address
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (037) Ben Refuses to Marry Jessie
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (038) Aunt Mary Told
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (039) Ben Agrees to Marry Jessie
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (040) Kitt Irritated by Lisa
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (041) Lisa Worried About Kitt
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (042) Phone Call from Bill
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (043) Lisa's Dream
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (044) On the Way to Stanton
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (045) Jessie and Ben Married
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (046) Compromising Scene
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (047) Lisa Confronts Kitt
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (048) Talking to Jane About Peggy
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (049) Ben and Jessie Visit Kitt
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (050) Kitt's Accident
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (051) Worried About Kitt
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (052) Kitt Has Lost Her Baby
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (054) Ben Spreads Gossip
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (061) Lisa and Paul Talk
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (062) Lisa's Baby Born
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (063) Refuses to See Baby
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (064) Lefty's Future
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (065) Agrees to Marriage
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (066) Plotting to Get the Baby
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (067) Adoption Problems
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (068) Dr Gordon Talks with Lisa
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (073) Wants Paul to Handle Baby Arrangements
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (074) Talking About Nick's Plans
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (075) Peggy Talks with Bill
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (076) Lefty and Nick Talk
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (077) Peggy Has an Answer for Nick
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (078) Paul Talks with Dr Gordon
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (079) Mrs Kingsley Told
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (080) Paul Confronts Kitt
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (081) Lisa Returns from Hospital
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (082) Kitt Wants to See Lisa
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (083) Bill Offered Job
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (084) Lefty Learns of Bill's New Job
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (085) Kitt Sees Lisa
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (086) Baby Can Travel in One Week
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (087) Ben Telephones Kitt
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (088) Peggy Talks to Lefty
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (089) Asks Lefty's Opinion
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (090) Aunt Mary Told of Peggy's Decision
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (091) Aunt Mary and Peggy Disagree
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (092) Bill Talks to Jane
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (093) Lefty Angry at David
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (094) Bill Has Coffee with David
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (095) Talking About Date for Wedding
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (096) Bill Runs into Nick and Peggy
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (097) Aunt Mary to Discourage Marriage
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (098) Wanting Kitt to Leave Soon
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (099) Paul Lies to Dr Gordon
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (100) Telegram Arrives
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (101) Arriving at Ben's House
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (102) Bill Thinks About His New Son
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (103) Bill Seen Leaving Ben's House
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (104) Bill Won't Stay at Ben's House
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (105) Bill Leaves Ben's House
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (106) Ben Argues with Bill
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (107) Jessie and Kitt Talk
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (108) Ben Returns Home
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (109) Bill Tells Aunt Mary About the Baby
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (110) Peggy Learns of Bill's Plans
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (111) Bill Tells Kitt He Doesn't Love Her
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (112) Kitt Warned About Bill and Peggy
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (113) Aunt Mary and Lefty Talk
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (114) Bill Insists on a Divorce
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (115) Bill Gets a Lawyer
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (116) Ben and Kitt Talk
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (117) Nick and Peggy Run into Jessie
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (118) Nick and Peggy Quarrel
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (119) Bill Decides to Fight for Custody
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (120) David and Aunt Mary Discuss Bill's Situation
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (121) Bill Tells Aunt Mary and David of His Custody Decision
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (122) Lisa and Paul Are Leaving for Chicago
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (123) Peggy Admits She Is in Love with Bill
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (124) Peggy Tells Nick She Is in Love with Bill
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (125) Peggy Tells of Her Marriage Plans
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (126) Nick Confesses He Is in Love with Peggy
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (127) Nick and Kitt Talk in a Cocktail Bar
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (128) Wedding Plans
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (129) Kitt Drops by to Talk to David
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (130) Nick Wants to Talk to Peggy in Person
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (131) Bill and Kitt Talk
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (132) Bill Tells Kitt He Wants Custody of the Child
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (133) Aunt Mary and Peggy Talk About Bill
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (134) Peggy and Bill Meet to Talk
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (135) Peggy Tells Bill of Her Marriage Plans
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (136) Ben Wants Kitt to File for Divorce
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (137) Letter from Paul
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (138) Nick Doesn't Break Engagement
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (139) Nick Wants to Postpone the Wedding
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (140) Ben Offers Bill a Compromise
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (141) Aunt Mary and Lefty Told of Wedding Postponement
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (142) Aunt Mary Told of Ben's Proposition
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (143) Jessie Suspicious of Kitt's Motives
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (144) Nick and Bill Talk
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (145) Lisa Regrets Giving up Her Baby
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (146) Bill and Jane Talk
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (147) Bill Refuses Ben's Proposition
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (148) Paul Is Going to Wakefield
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (149) Bill Tells Aunt Mary of His Decision
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (150) Paul Cromwell Phones
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (151) Peggy and Aunt Mary Talk
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (152) Peggy Wouldn't Want to Raise Kitt's Child
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (153) Kitt Meets with Paul Cromwell
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (154) Paul Promises to Leave Town
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (155) Paul Learns the Truth
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (156) Paul Is Angry
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (157) Paul Demands to See Kitt
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (158) Showdown Between Paul and Kitt
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (159) Paul Intends to Tell Lisa the Truth
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (160) Paul Tells Lisa the Truth
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (161) Paul Is Worried About Lisa
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (162) Bill Sees the Baby
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (163) Lawyer Wants Bill to Accept Ben's Offer
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (164) Bill Has No Legal Grounds
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (165) Randy Is Home
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (166) Nick Fills Randy In
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (167) Kitt Tries to Phone Paul and Lisa
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (168) Lisa Sees Her Baby
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (169) Lisa Asks Kitt for Her Son
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (170) Kitt Argues for the Child
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (171) Present for the Child
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (172) Lisa Doesn't Take Her Child
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (173) Randy Goes to Save Lisa
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (174) Lisa Saved
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (175) Worried About Lisa
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (176) Trying to Comfort Lisa
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (177) Lisa Mentions Kitt's Name
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (178) Bill and Aunt Mary Talk
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (179) Lisa Admits Knowing Kitt
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (180) Wants to Contact Dell About Lisa
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (181) Aunt Mary Sees Ben and the Baby
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (182) Aunt Mary Calls Dell About Lisa
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (183) Nick and Kitt Talk
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (184) Kitt Wants to Give Bill the Divorce
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (185) Kitt Will Give Bill the Divorce (1)
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (186) Peggy Told of Nick and Kitt's Meeting (1)
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (187) Kitt Begs Bill Not to Try for Custody
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (188) Lisa Leaves Wakefield
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (189) Bill Tells Peggy of the Divorce
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (190) Lisa Meets Dell and Lily
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (191) Lily Tries to Help Lisa
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (192) Peggy Admits Love for Bill
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (193) Lisa Receives Yellow Roses
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (194) Dell Will Try to Help Lisa
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (195) Kitt Asks David for Help
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (196) Kitt Talks to Her Lawyer
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (197) Peggy and Kitt Talk
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (198) Lily Defends Lisa
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (199) Lily Talks to Lance
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (200) Lance Appeals to Lisa
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (201) Lisa Refuses to Take Lance Back
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (202) Dell Learns of Lisa's Decision
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (203) Bill Served with Divorce Papers
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (204) Bill Asks for a Date with Peggy
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (205) Aunt Mary Notices the Baby's Eyes
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (206) Kitt Questions Mrs Thorndyke
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (207) Divorce Trial to Start Soon
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (208) Dell Urges Lisa to Tell Her Story
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (209) Ben and Jessie Argue
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (210) Dell Learns Lisa's Story
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (211) Bill Gets the Divorce, but Without Custody
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (212) Kitt Wants to Leave Wakefield
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (213) Bill and Nick Talk
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (214) Aunt Mary Talks with Angus
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (215) Bill Invited to Dinner
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (216) Aunt Mary, Lefty and Randy Talk
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (217) Kitt Gives Advice to Nick
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (218) Peggy Couldn't Raise Kitt's Child
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (219) Peggy Agrees to Marry Nick
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (220) Jessie Has Lunch with Bill (1)
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (221) Peggy Asked to Wait Before Marrying
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (222) Dell and Lily Are Going to Wakefield
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (223) Lisa Worried About Dell Telling About Her Baby
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (224) Lily Meets Randy
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (225) Dell and Aunt Mary Talk
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (226) Lily Told of Peggy's Marriage Plans
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (227) Lefty Won't See Dell
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (228) Dell Regrets Her Promise
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (229) Dell and Lefty Talk (Skips)
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (230) Lefty Urged Not to Be Stubborn
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (231) Randy and Lily Talk (1)
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (232) Randy Describes Lily
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (233) Lily Wants to Run a Supper Club in Wakefield
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (234) Dell Sees a Picture of the Baby
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (235) Dell Invited to Peggy's Wedding
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (236) Angus Receives Anonymous Letter
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (237) Driving Back to Chicago
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (238) Wedding Plans
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (239) Bill Drops by the Lane Farm
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (240) Angus Going to a Strange Meeting
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (241) Jessie Claims She Has Proof Against Kitt
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (242) Kitt and Jessie Talk
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (243) Kitt Pleads with Bill
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (244) Angus Talks to Bill
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (245) Randy Defends Lily
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (246) Aunt Mary Told Information
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (247) Lisa Told of Lily's Plans
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (248) Lisa Can't Turn Lance Away
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (249) Lisa Admits Love for Lance
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (250) Lisa Urged to Claim Her Child
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (251) Lisa Has Dinner with Lance
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (252) Lisa Wrestles with Her Conscience
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (253) Angus and Ben Argue
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (254) Dell Wants to Persuade Lisa
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (255) Dell Tries to Convice Lisa
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (256) Lisa Refuses to Clear Things Up
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (257) Lily Invited to Dinner
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (258) Kitt Receives Summons
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (260) Bill Is Hopeful
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (261) Peggy Worried About Bill's Trial
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (262) David Takes the Witness Stand
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (263) Miss Thorndyke Discredited
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (264) Telling About First Day of the Trial
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (265) Kitt Talks to Her Lawyer
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (266) Dell Pleads with Lisa
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (267) Jessie Is Completely Frank with Kitt
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (268) Lucy Testifies
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (269) Peggy Attends Bill's Trial
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (270) Bill Takes the Witness Stand
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (271) Bill Strikes the Defense Attorney
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (272) Jessie Takes the Witness Stand
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (273) Ben and Kitt Take the Witness Stand
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (274) Concern over Lisa Knowing Kitt
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (275) Aunt Mary Learns the Truth
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (276) Leaving for Chicago
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (277) Lily Having Dinner at the Lane's
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (278) The Calvert's Discuss the Trail
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (279) Lisa Sees Aunt Mary
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (280) Lisa Refuses Aunt Mary
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (281) Lisa Agrees to Go with Aunt Mary
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (282) Lance Learns the Truth
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (283) Last Day of Trial Begins
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (284) Aunt Mary and Lisa Enter the Courtroom
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (285) Lisa Is to Take the Witness Stand
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (286) Lisa Takes the Witness Stand
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (287) Lance Enters the Courtroom
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (288) Lisa Tells Her Story
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (291) Everything Cleared Up
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (292) Kitt Is on The
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (293) Nick Wants to Talk to Aunt Mary
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (294) Nick Is Leaving Wakefield
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (297) Ben and Jessie Talk About Kitt
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (298) Mario Runs into Bill
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (299) Lily to Have Dinner with David
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (300) Peggy Reads Nick's Letter
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (301) Talking About Kitt's Disappearance
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (302) Dell Comes for a Visit
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (303) Mario's Temper Flares
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (304) Ben and Mario Talk
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (305) Bill and Peggy Get Together
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (306) Talking About Mario's Jealousy
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (307) Paul and Kitt Talk
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (308) Ben Is Reading Shakespeare
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (309) Ben Spreads False Rumors
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (310) Brett Wants to See Jessie
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (311) Kitt Having Severe Headaches
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (312) Georgie Spreading Ben's Rumors
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (315) Mario Has Doubts About Carla
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (316) Kitt Slips out of Reality
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (317) Aunt Mary and Lefty Talk
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (318) Rumors Are All over Town
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (319) Kitt's Landlady Wants Her to Move
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (320) Jessie Goes to See Brett
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (321) Carla Comes to See Aunt Mary
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (322) Aunt Mary Gives Mario a Ride
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (323) Paul Will Call Kitt's Father
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (324) Dinner at Mario's
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (325) Paul Tries to Reach Ben
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (326) Ben Talks with Mario
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (327) Peggy Tells of House Plans
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (328) Lily Has a Date with David
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (329) Jessie Learns of Kitt's Situation
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (330) Ben Learns of Kitt's Situation
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (331) Ben Picks up Carla's Scarf
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (332) Lily and David Talk
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (333) Georgie Talks to Randy
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (334) Brett and Jessie Talk About Kitt
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (335) Scarf Planted in Bill's Car
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (336) Brett Has a Drink with the Calvert's
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (337) Ben Refuses to Help Kitt
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (338) Mario Finds the Planted Scarf
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (339) Paul Calls Bill About Kitt
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (340) Mario Storms Out
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (341) Talking over Kitt's Situation
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (342) Aunt Mary to See David
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (343) Carla Goes to See Aunt Mary
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (344) David Wants to See Ben
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (345) David and Ben Argue About Kitt
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (346) Aunt Mary Talks to Mario
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (349) David Is Going to Help Kitt
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (350) Kitt's Condition Explained
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (351) Taking Kitt to Huntsville
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (352) Dr Laraby Interviews Kitt
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (353) Report on Kitt's Condition
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (354) Jessie Goes to See Brett
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (355) Kitt Has Legal Trouble
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (356) District Attorney Calls Dr Laraby
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (357) DA Wants to Bring Charges
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (358) Ben Wants to Help Kitt
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (359) Lefty Scolds Mario
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (360) Ben Talks to Dr Laraby
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (361) Ben Is Angry at David and Aunt Mary
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (362) Mario Looks for Bill
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (363) Ben and Jessie Talk About Kitt
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (364) Bill Waiting at Mario's House
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (365) Mario Violent with Carla
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (366) Carla Is Unconscious
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (367) Kitt Remembers Someone from Her Childhood
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (368) DA Will Not Postpone
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (369) Carla Found
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (370) Looking for Mario
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (371) Sheriff Arrives
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (372) Bill Questioned
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (373) Peggy Told
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (374) Georgie Curious
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (375) Situation Reported in Newspaper
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (376) Bill Depressed
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (377) Georgie's Theory
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (378) Randy's Picnic
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (379) Resignation Refused
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (380) Carla Conscious
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (381) Carla Questioned
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (382) Anna Asked to Leave
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (383) Carla Won't Tell
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (384) Peggy Questions Carla
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (385) Peggy Fails
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (386) Kitt's Memories
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (387) Randy's Memories
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (388) David Visits Kitt
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (389) Ben Talks to Sheriff
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (390) Curious About Mario
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (391) Bill Questioned (1)
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (392) Reads Wakefield Newspaper
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (393) Forced Resignation
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (394) Aunt Mary Visits Carla
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (395) Pleading with Carla
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (396) Dr Questions David
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (397) Carla Will Tell What She Knows
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (398) Mario Wants to Mail Letter
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (399) Bill Won't Have to Resign
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (400) Story About Kitt's Lost Friend
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (401) Trip to Huntsville
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (402) Ben Sure of Jessie
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (403) Kitt's Friend Revealed
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (404) Deed to Mario's Sister
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (405) Board Wants Bill's Resignation
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (406) Wanting to Locate Mario
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (407) Bill Told of the Board's Decision
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (408) Mario Refuses to Go Home
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (409) Bill Wants to Find Mario
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (410) Mario Asked to Stay
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (411) Randy Asked to Help Kitt
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (412) Randy Talks to Dr Laraby
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (413) Jessie Learns of Brett's Plan
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (414) Lily and Randy Talk
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (415) Planning Trip to Chicago
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (416) Lefty Against Helping Kitt
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (417) Wanting to Change Henry Swanson's Mind
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (418) Anna Wants to Go Away with Mario
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (419) Trying to Convince Henry Swanson
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (420) Henry Changes His Mind
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (421) Henry Late for Board Meeting
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (422) Ben Blocks Bill's Reinstatement
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (423) Suspicious Ben
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (424) Randy Visits Kitt
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (425) Carla Pregnant
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (426) Leaving for Chicago
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (427) Mario Refuses to Go Home
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (428) Wakefield News Told to Dell
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (429) Talking to Capt Rouseau
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (430) Capt Rouseau Agrees to Help
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (431) Bill Told of Help from Capt Rouseau
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (432) Asks for Wakefield Paper
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (433) Jessie Agrees to Brett's Plan
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (434) Anna Questioned
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (435) Mario Must Hide
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (436) Anna Questioned Again
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (437) Kitt Tells of Hatred for Lane Family
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (438) Jessie Tries to Persuade Ben
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (439) Aunt Mary Goes to See Anna
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (440) Anna Denies Knowing Mario
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (441) Anna Admits Knowing Mario's Whereabouts
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (442) Aunt Mary Told of Mario's Whereabouts
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (443) Bill Goes to Meet Mario
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (444) Bill Talks to Mario
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (445) Bill Tells of the Meeting
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (446) Orders Anna Out
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (447) Saying Goodbye to Anna
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (448) On the Train to Wakefield
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (449) Carla Told About Anna
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (450) Mario Wants to Talk to Board Members
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (451) Mario Talks to Board Members
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (452) Lily and Randy Talk
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (453) Kitt Doesn't Want to See Randy
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (454) Ben Talks to District Attorney
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (455) District Attorney Talks to Dr Laraby
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (456) Wedding Date Set
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (457) Ben Telephones Sanitorium
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (458) Tells Brett About Ben's Plans
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (459) Wedding Plans
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (460) Ben Arrives at the Sanitorium
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (461) Lefty's Housing Idea
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (462) Ben Visits Kitt
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (463) Brett Reassures Jessie
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (464) Ben Thrown out of Sanitorium
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (467) Dr Laraby Arrives
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (468) Doesn't Want Randy to Leave
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (469) Talking About Kitt's Situation
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (470) Ben Is Tender Toward Jessie
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (471) Aunt Mary Talks to District Attorney
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (472) Kitt's Feelings for Randy
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (473) David Visits Kitt
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (474) Dr Laraby Wants to See Aunt Mary
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (475) Talking About Ben's Will
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (476) Brett Introduced to Lily
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (477) Dr Laraby Talks to Aunt Mary
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (478) Lily Meets Brett for a Drink
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (479) Randy Told of Kitt's Feelings
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (480) Ben Makes Advances
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (481) Peggy Returns
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (482) Jessie Goes to See Brett
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (483) Lily Breaks Down
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (484) Lily Brushes off Randy
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (485) Kitt Talks to Bill
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (488) Lefty's Present
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (489) David Knows Lily's Secret
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (490) Indictment News
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (491) Gossip About Brett
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (492) Kitt Arrested
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (493) Kitt's Faith in Randy
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (494) Randy and Kitt Talk
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (495) Jessie Waiting for Brett
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (496) Angus Refuses Kitt's Case
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (497) Randy Talks to Aunt Mary
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (498) Angus Visits Kitt
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (499) Randy Visits Kitt
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (500) Peggy Concerned About Randy
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (501) Real Estate Suggestion
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (502) Real Estate Plans (1)
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (503) Randy and Peggy Argue
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (504) Asked About Feelings for Kitt
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (505) Ben Has a Heart Condition
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (506) Ben Comes Home for a Nap
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (507) Randy Promises to Wait for Kitt
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (508) Peggy, Aunt Mary and Lefty Talk
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (509) Brett Invited to the Calvert's
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (510) Kitt About to Be Sentenced
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (511) Kitt Sentenced
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (512) Ben Has an Attack
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (513) Aunt Mary Questions Randy
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (514) Thinks Randy Has Fallen for Kitt
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (515) Talking About Ben's Medicine
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (516) Suspects Ben Is Ill
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (517) Peggy Worried About Randy and Kitt
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (518) Jessie Told of Ben's Heart Condition
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (519) Jessie Is Angry with Brett
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (520) Jessie and Brett Make Up
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (521) David Drops by the Lane Farm
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (522) Peggy Concerned About Randy
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (523) Ben Is Upset
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (524) Possible Client for Randy
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (525) Brett Told of New Developments
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (526) Bill Told of Mr Bergman
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (527) Planning Ben's Death
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (528) Ben Has Another Attack
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (529) Jessie Refills Prescription
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (530) Lefty Receives Package
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (531) Peggy and Lily Talk About Randy
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (532) Randy Curious About Lefty
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (533) Randy Talks About Lily
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (534) Talking About the Bergman Tragedy
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (535) Brett Given Ultimatum
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (536) Randy Eager to See Kitt (1)
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (537) Bill Comments on Peggy's Matchmaking
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (538) Randy Visits Kitt
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (539) Lefty's Secret Revealed
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (540) Ben Spreads Gossip
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (541) Lily Seems to Agree with Peggy
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (542) Randy Loses Mr Bergman's Business
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (543) Randy Talks to Mr Bergman
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (544) Ben Will Handle the Sale
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (545) Jessie to Visit Randy's Office
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (546) Aunt Mary Talks to the Bergman's
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (547) Lefty Told
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (548) Worried About Randy's Temper
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (549) Randy and Ben Argue
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (550) Brett and Jessie Argue
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (551) Randy Tells of His Visit to Ben's Office
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (552) Lefty Advises Against Telling Randy the Truth
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (553) Randy Told
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (554) Randy Returns Home
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (555) Plan to Make Randy Jealous
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (556) Brett Is Disgusted with His Situation
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (557) Jessie Interrupts Brett's Luncheon Date
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (558) Jessie Stays for Lunch
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (559) Lily Suspects the Truth
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (560) Randy Gives Lily a Ride
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (561) New Roommate in Prison
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (562) Kitt Talks to Her Roommate
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (563) Kitt Won't Get a Parole Hearing
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (564) Randy and Peggy Talk
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (565) Aunt Mary Asked to Visit Kitt
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (566) Aunt Mary Visits Kitt
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (567) Brett Drops by the Calvert's
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (568) Aunt Mary Has Doubts About Kitt
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (569) Dinner at the Supper Club
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (570) Kitt Talks to Dr Whitney
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (571) Randy Has a Real Estate Idea
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (572) Aunt Mary to See Dr Laraby
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (573) Dr Whitney Talks to Dr Laraby
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (574) David Told of Real Estate Plan
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (575) Kitt Cut out of Ben's Will
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (576) Dr Whitney Changes His Mind About Kitt
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (577) Randy Excited About Real Estate Progress
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (578) Brett Told of Proposed Changes in Ben's Will
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (579) Brett and Jessie Talk
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (580) Peggy Receives House Plans
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (581) Randy Asked If He Is in Love with Kitt
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (582) Lefty Will Loan Randy Two Thousand Dollars
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (583) Lefty Wants His Interest to Go to Peggy
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (584) Kitt Talks to Dr Whitney
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (585) Kitt Hears Rumor About Randy
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (586) Jessie Brings up the Past
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (587) Mrs Emerson and Dr Whitney Discuss Kitt
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (588) Brett Won't Tell Jessie His Plan
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (589) Dr Whitney Will Continue to See Kitt
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (590) Dr Whitney Will Help Kitt
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (591) Lily Sees the Dream House
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (592) Ben Offers to Buy the Dream House
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (593) Brett Plans to Kill Ben
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (594) Jessie to Call Ben's Lawyer
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (595) Sets Price of Dream House
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (596) Invitation to David's for Refreshments
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (597) Kitt Questions David About Randy
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (598) Dr Whitney Will See Ben
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (599) Worried About Selling the House
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (600) Having Lunch with the Howard's
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (601) Ben Asked to See Kitt
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (602) Model House Sold
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (603) Dr Whitney Talks to Ben
Aunt Mary 42-xx-xx (604) Kitt Told of Ben's Refusal

This product was added to our catalog on Friday 27 April, 2012.

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